Forréttabarinn opnaði árið 2011 og er rekinn af Róbert Ólafssyni matreiðslumanni sem starfað hefur sem slíkur í yfir þrjá áratugi á hótelum og veitingastöðum bæði á Íslandi og erlendis.
Við bjóðum upp á úrval girnilegra kræsinga í ýmsum stærðum og gerðum. Franski matreiðslumeistarinn Olivier Grau stýrir eldhúsinu okkar ásamt einvalaliði matreiðslumanna.
Áhersla lögð á ferskt, staðbundið hráefni, sjávarfang, kjöt og grænmeti en matreiðslan er undir áhrifum frá Suður-Evrópu og Mið-Ameríku.
Fjölbreitt úrval grænmetisrétta er á boðstólum og fjögurra rétta smakk matseðlarnir eru sérstaklega vinsælir. Á barnum er gott úrval af innlendum og alþjóðlegum kranabjór, vínum og hanastélum. Vertu velkomin á vinalega veitingastaðinn við gömlu höfnina.
Forréttabarinn er nútímalega hannaður en hátt er til lofts eins og gjarnan er í gömlum iðnaðarhúsnæðum. Minimalísk Skandinavísk hönnun í aðalrými með listaverkum – stórum gluggum og opnu eldhúsi. Barsvæðið er með viðarborðum smíðuðum úr gömlu bryggju timbri.
Húsnæði Forréttabarsins var byggt árið 1939 og hýsti um árabil, stálsmiðju, netaverkstæði og vörulager.
Jonathan G2025-02-13Verified Adresse incontournable de Reykjavik Recommandé par notre agence de voyage, nous avons passé un moment extra ! Au pied du port, il offre une carte diversifiée mais de très grande qualité avec l’influence d’un chef français ! Visiteurs de Reykjavik il faut y consacrer un passage car c’est un vrai restaurant à destination des locaux. Avec 2 enfants et quelques verres de vin nous avons payé 27.000 ISK ce que je trouve équilibré vu la qualité. guillaume M2025-01-14Verified Belle expérience Un bel endroit vers le port pour profiter d’une belle ambiance. Grande salle, servie rapidement. Dans l’assiette c’est délicieux, poissons ou viandes. Gemma W2025-01-12Verified Lovely bar in Reykjavik A bar where you’re felt welcome. Lovely, smiley, friendly staff. Good selection of drinks. Perfect. Thanks for looking after us x. Bibi2025-01-03Verified A nice a good restaurant 💫 A pleasant accidental discovery where we ate excellent food. Well presented dishes, very friendly staff. Open kitchen with no odors in the room. I would recommend it. Richard K2024-12-23Verified Come for the lamb Came for the chef’s four course Christmas menu. Amazingly creative and delicious! The meal started with langoustine soup, followed by duck confit, and my favorite, herb crusted ribeye of lamb. Everything was cooked perfectly, and the meal ended with a decadent chocolate cake with ice cream. My photos tell a better story. If you’re visiting Reykjavik for the first or umpteenth time, you have to eat here, hands down, among the best meals I’ve had. Nancy T2024-12-11Verified Ring-a-Ling! During our two night Icelandair stopover, we had dinner at this restaurant, which was close to our hotel. We both got the fish of the day, the Ling! It was very nice and the service was also great. Recommend if you’re staying near the harbor! Ágústa B2024-12-10Verified Best food and great staff The food and the staff I give them my best recommendation. I will be back. We got the Christmas menu. The selection of appetites was one of the best I have got. supes2024-11-13Verified Grazing is the way to dine Tried the beef carpaccio, and the chicken and goat cheese quesadilla (twice since once was not enough!). Both were excellent, along with fabulous service and a nice glass of wine we couldn’t have asked for more. Will definitely be going back when more hungry to try as many goodies this menu has to offer. Morris W2024-11-12Verified Cosy and warm with great food, beer and staff This place looked so cosy from the street we had to try it. It was well worth it. Restaurant side is lovely. Tried & enjoyed Atlantic wolffish for the first time alongside a beautiful dark winter beer. After we ate we moved to a table in the bar side to listen to a tight jazz quartet and more beer. Great food, beer, music and staff. Reasonable prices. Menu on display in window. Retired and Traveling a lot2024-10-19Verified Dine with the locals and enjoy every minute Reservations: easily made and then honored immediately upon our arrival. Ambiance: Attractive, not too noisy, comfortable. Noticed it was filled with locals, though the menu was written in both Icelandic and English. Service: excellent. They were short staffed, but working mightily. They went out of their way for us for our drink orders, making some variations that we requested. Appreciated their professionalism. Food: Just delicious. Interesting offerings (my husband had a horse filet, which he enjoyed very much); flavored and spiced well; served hot. Value: Well, everything in Iceland is expensive, and this restaurant is no exception. Prices at restaurants have increased in our area (Chicago and suburbs) quite a lot, and the prices in Iceland are even higher. Just be prepared and enjoy. Highly recommend.
Mánudagar – Sunnudagar
Eldhús: 16:00 – 22:00
Bar: 16:00 – 23:00
Alla daga
16:00 – 18:00
Bjór á krana og vín hússins: frá 950 kr.
Flóð og fjara ehf. | Kennitala: 631204-2950 | VSK: 86012
Forréttabarinn © 2023 | Allur réttur áskilinn
Flóð og fjara ehf. | Kennitala: 631204-2950 | VSK: 86012
Forréttabarinn © 2023 | Allur réttur áskilinn
Flóð og fjara ehf. | Kennitala: 631204-2950 | VSK: 86012
Forréttabarinn © 2023 | Allur réttur áskilinn
Mánudagar – Sunnudagar
Eldhús: 16:00 – 22:00
Bar: 16:00 – 23:00
Alla daga
16:00 – 18:00
Bjór á krana og vín hússins: frá 950 kr.